Texas Triangle Mobile App Development Companies
People who live in the Texas Triangle are within close proximity of finding anything that they need quickly and conveniently. And more so, they know they’ll get it done right, the Texas way. As technology has changed, so has the markets and industry options that are available in the Texas Triangle. Houston, Dallas and San Antonio all offer budding companies that work in the technology sector. This is especially true with mobile app development, as it is one of the most popular industry’s available right now.
So what if you want to get involved with the technology sector, or even make a mobile application, but you aren’t sure where to look? Lucky for you, the Texas Triangle is here for you.
One of the most popular and trusted application development companies in Texas is Onseeker. This Houston based company has been creating software for years and has recently focused on mobile applications for the iPhone and Android operating systems. For sports fans, they have done team applications for football, baseball and hockey games. Some of their clients include the Colorado Eagles, Tempa Yankees, Texas Stars, Utah Grizzlies, and more. Onseeker does not stop at sports teams, as they have also worked with radio and book applications, as well as programs for churches and business, along with much more. They are a great choice when it comes to discussing your mobile app idea and how they can help you get it done.
Dallas company, Semaphone has created apps like ZAGAT TO GO, My Grocery Master, All City and Craigslist. They are a very convenient company with how they support their clients. Semaphone’s website allows you to put in your contact information, while also informing you of what to expect during your application creation and submission process. If you are in the Dallas area or have an app ideas closely related to the ones mentioned here, Semaphone is a great company to consider.
Applicandy is another option, located in Dallas. The minute you access Applicandy’s website, you will be prompted with a friendly computer automated assistant wizard that will guide you throughout he process of answering any questions you may have. This is a great company that continues to build its customer base.
Hunting fans may be familiar with an application offered by RedSnake Enterprises. This company makes a bevy of hunting applications and accessories that are perfect for your next hunting trip. Whether you are looking for deer tactics or a fishing calendar to find the best times to go fishing for what you want, you can find these types of apps with RedSnake. Texans are known for their hunting of wildlife, and no matter how many applications are available, it seems there is always room for more. With this in mind, RedSnake is building a very strong niche market of mobile applications.
RockSauce Studios – Austin
This list is intended to include the mobile application companies that are included in the Texas Triangle, but we’d be remise if we didn’t include RockSauce Studios. Located slightly outside of the triangle, in Austin, RockSauce offers a ton of great applications that vary from card makers, to skin care products, to games and more. If you live outside of the Texas triangle, or are looking for a company that isn’t in the big cities, RockSauce in Austin is an excellent choice.
Everything is Better In Texas
You can’t go wrong with any of the choices on this list. Each company works closely and diligently with their clients to assure they deliver exactly what is desired. However if you are looking for a certain niche, you may be better with one of the companies that has expertise and a past with a line of apps that is familiar with what your idea is.